Keck in Motion

24 03 2012

Keck in Motion from Andrew Cooper on Vimeo.

Many thanks to my friend Annie W. for drawing my attention to Andrew Cooper’s “Keck in Motion” video. Every time I watch it, I find myself saying, “Oh, this is the best part!” I can hardly finish the phrase before contradicting myself with, “Oh, wait, THIS is the best part!” and then again with “No, wait! THIS is the best part!” If I had to choose, I’d say marks 1:01, 1:56, 2:14, 2:26, 2:52, 2:58, and 3:03 all begin scenes that are good candidates for “the best part!” However, the scene that starts at 2:46 ultimately wins the contest.



2 responses

27 03 2012

One of the best observatory videos ever! Love the music too.

27 03 2012

Thanks, and thanks to Annie 🙂

Observatories and Instruments